Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Summertime!!!!

June is already here and going FaST!!!!
I went to Gulf Shores, AL on Thursday and Friday with my family to go visit family:)
There's nothing like the wind, waves, sunshine, sand, ocean sounds, kids laughing, families playing, smiles and good times!


Today I have about 7 shoots going on this afternoon so keep your eye out! They will be coming!
As I was looking at my calendar the other day I couldn't believe that June is ALREADY full with busy-ness! I started counting and I'm only home 11 days in if I'm sllooowww in responding to an email or phone call rest-assured I will be calling you back, just probably not as soon as normal! and YES I will be blogging as often as I can!
I hope everyone is enjoying summer-time!
This week takes me to Destin, Florida for a few days with family while my dad is on business!